Month: July 2024

CEOs Gather to Brainstorm Community Transformation

The recent meeting led by NCDP CEO Alphonse Nahimana marked the beginning of a promising initiative aimed at sparking change and improving community lives in Canada. Nahimana emphasized the importance of assembling a diverse group of visionary CEOs to form a think tank for driving meaningful change. “We believe that…
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On July 5, 2024, a partnership agreement was officially signed between AgriFoodCity and the Niragira Community Development Project (NCDP) to work together as partners

On July 5, 2024, a partnership agreement was officially signed between AgriFoodCity and the Niragira Community Development Project (NCDP) to work together as partners. Without a country-owned and country-driven food security strategy, there will be obstacles and additional costs to global, regional, and country-level economic growth. Food security not only…
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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)